Last week we were invited to our Vietnamese teacher's house for dinner (Linh is studying at the university). Her father, taking the photo, used to be a pilot before receiving a military post, so he was excited to show us the aircraft museum, which is within walking distance from their house. L to R is Hite (a PhD student from Japan); me; Linh; Eric and Yong (a prof from Korea). We are standing in front of a transport helicopter used in the Vietnam War- the largest helic0pter I have ever seen and VERY Russian looking. Below is a photo of our dinner- called hotpot or Lau. L to R: Eric, Yong, Ling's Dad, Huong, Minh, Ha, Hite and Linh.
Last Friday, we were supposed to board a flight to Dalat at 6:10 which I thought meant 6:10pm, but it was at 6:10am- so, missed the flight-which you might think is not a big deal, but, believe me, it is. So, after new reservations were made, Eric and I sat down to have some lunch-fried spring rolls- which we thought tasted very good at the time, but we both got VERY sick. So, up all night in the bathroom and then had to leave at 3:30am to catch our 6:10am flight- sat by the bathroom in the plane the entire flight- needless to say, we were in bed in the hotel room all day yesterday- ugh- we were so sick. Today, however, we felt a bit better and just had to get outside, so we rented a motorbike and drove 20 miles south of Dalat to a beautiful waterfall- called Ponjour. We really enjoyed the day being outside- sunny but chilly- perfect weather.
This was part of the road we took to get to the waterfall- the directions were interesting. Go straight for 48 km and turn right at the Budda. We met these guys on the way back- which explains all the 'pies' on the road on our way in! The next couple of days I am in meetings with Fulbright staff-I think Eric is going golfing, riding the motorbike more, maybe getting a massage, followed by a sauna...what a life he is leading.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
In Vietnam, one must remain flexible-something I am not very good at, but getting much better. At UEB (University of Economics and Business-where I teach) undergraduate research is supported and encouraged, as they want to be known as the very best research university in Vietnam. Last Thursday I was asked to talk with the students about how to conduct research- a half hour presentation with an accompanying powerpoint presentation. About 50 students attended. I have now been contacted by several students to talk with them about their research- you can see how the work just continues to stack up- which is why I am here, of course.
Following the presentation, Eric and I were invited to attend the Teacher's Day performance by students and staff- a gala affair- an evening of singing by students and staff. The Vietnamese have very high respect for their teachers throughout the country, with celebrations that can last up to four days. Flowers, lunches, dinners, singing, just goes on and on. The US should definately consider adding this to the 'holiday' list.
The very next day, Eric and I (along with 2 faculty/3 staff and 50 students from UEB) boarded 2 buses and headed to Hoa Binh to learn about the Muong culture. We all slept in stilt houses, attended the performances in town, passed through the markets, ate traditional Muong food, played games, sang songs, etc. As you can imagine, no one slept at all Saturday night and the bus was very quiet on the way home to Hanoi.
We returned Sunday night and on Monday, attended a traditional Vietnamese wedding! My friend Lan Ahn, along with her sister, Lien, invited us to Minh Anh's (Lien's daughter) wedding to Viet Thang. First, the picking of the date of the wedding is VERY important, and usually done with the help of a fortune teller. The day before the wedding, male representatives from the groom's side arrives at the bride's house to ask permission of the bride's parents. The next day, the groom's family arrives at bride's house for tea (the picture below is set in Minh Anh's livingroom) and the bride and groom, with the bride's parents, go upstairs to the room where the ancestor's alter is (every Vietnamese house has an altar for ancestral worship. Incense is burned, a letter to the ancestors is read allowed by the bride's father and then they go back downstairs to join the party. At that moment, everyone leaves the bride's house to drive to the groom's house.
Eric and I were allowed to follow and observe the ancestral worship ceremony.
The bride and groom leaving to go to the groom's house (with Lan Thao, Lan Anh's daughter) holding Minh Anh's dress.
Now we are at Viet Thang's house to drink tea- after about 30 minutes, we all left to drive to the ceremony and reception hall.
Prior to the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have there pictures taken with family and friends. Above, from left to right: Huong and Lien (Lan Anh's sisters), Viet Thrang, Minh Anh and Lan Anh. Below is Lan Thao with her little friend...
A happy Grandpa......after all 600 guests (yes, 6-0-0) arrived, we were ushered into dinner, the groom's guests sit in a separate room from the bride's guests...we ate, ate and then ate some more- the food just kept coming as seems to be the case when celebrating anything in Vietnam.
Big projector screens in each dinner room show the bride and groom exchanging rings which took about 5 minutes and then more pictures of the bride and groom (taken at a whole separate occasion) were projected in slideshow mode throughout the dinner. After dinner, guests are welcome to meander out- and like all weddings, some stay for more tea, others stay to chat with friends and was a grand affair.
Following the presentation, Eric and I were invited to attend the Teacher's Day performance by students and staff- a gala affair- an evening of singing by students and staff. The Vietnamese have very high respect for their teachers throughout the country, with celebrations that can last up to four days. Flowers, lunches, dinners, singing, just goes on and on. The US should definately consider adding this to the 'holiday' list.
The very next day, Eric and I (along with 2 faculty/3 staff and 50 students from UEB) boarded 2 buses and headed to Hoa Binh to learn about the Muong culture. We all slept in stilt houses, attended the performances in town, passed through the markets, ate traditional Muong food, played games, sang songs, etc. As you can imagine, no one slept at all Saturday night and the bus was very quiet on the way home to Hanoi.
We returned Sunday night and on Monday, attended a traditional Vietnamese wedding! My friend Lan Ahn, along with her sister, Lien, invited us to Minh Anh's (Lien's daughter) wedding to Viet Thang. First, the picking of the date of the wedding is VERY important, and usually done with the help of a fortune teller. The day before the wedding, male representatives from the groom's side arrives at the bride's house to ask permission of the bride's parents. The next day, the groom's family arrives at bride's house for tea (the picture below is set in Minh Anh's livingroom) and the bride and groom, with the bride's parents, go upstairs to the room where the ancestor's alter is (every Vietnamese house has an altar for ancestral worship. Incense is burned, a letter to the ancestors is read allowed by the bride's father and then they go back downstairs to join the party. At that moment, everyone leaves the bride's house to drive to the groom's house.
Eric and I were allowed to follow and observe the ancestral worship ceremony.
The bride and groom leaving to go to the groom's house (with Lan Thao, Lan Anh's daughter) holding Minh Anh's dress.
Now we are at Viet Thang's house to drink tea- after about 30 minutes, we all left to drive to the ceremony and reception hall.
Prior to the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have there pictures taken with family and friends. Above, from left to right: Huong and Lien (Lan Anh's sisters), Viet Thrang, Minh Anh and Lan Anh. Below is Lan Thao with her little friend...
A happy Grandpa......after all 600 guests (yes, 6-0-0) arrived, we were ushered into dinner, the groom's guests sit in a separate room from the bride's guests...we ate, ate and then ate some more- the food just kept coming as seems to be the case when celebrating anything in Vietnam.
Big projector screens in each dinner room show the bride and groom exchanging rings which took about 5 minutes and then more pictures of the bride and groom (taken at a whole separate occasion) were projected in slideshow mode throughout the dinner. After dinner, guests are welcome to meander out- and like all weddings, some stay for more tea, others stay to chat with friends and was a grand affair.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Eric enters the bunker below the room that was used by the North Vietnamese generals in Hanoi during the Vietnam War to plan their battle strategy. General Giap, who has a name plate on the
table just died, at the age of 103, in October.
The headquarters for war strategy was built in an area called the Citadel, which spans several city blocks. Also in this area are the remnants (some being unearthed) of hundreds of years of empire building- basically, a new empire would build on top of the earlier one- they are now conducting an archeological dig to uncover many artifacts and structures from multiple empires dating back to the 9th century. Cool stuff. Below is one of many mini-trees surrounded bu miniature pagodas and
village scenes. I couldn't help but think how much fun it would be to have my "little people" photo session.
This is Linh- she is our Vietnamese language teacher and we surprised her with a little birthday cake-the "Hello Kitty" design signifies my favorite word for 'cat' in is "meow". She is very patient with us as we attempt to learn the tones and the sounds of combined consonants...tough language to learn! AND we are not very good students...
Another field trip with my students to the Honda plant just outside of Hanoi. Dr. Anh, far left, brought some of his students to the plant-Eric is somewhere in the photo- they love it when he attends the field trips- they go out of their way to remind me to invite Mr. Eric.
Lunch with the International Development office staff-they love their chicken feet! The only thing left is the toenails. Yum.
Eric and I took a motorbike ride to a dam about 1 hr. drive north of Hanoi. You can buy 20 acres of lakefront property for $2000. Hmmm...we may be owners of property in never know.
I couldn't help but include this photo of a renovation effort of this Catholic Church- the bamboo scaffolding is quite amazing- why am I so intrigued by the building construction?
Sunday, October 20, 2013
This past week has been quite busy- up again at 6am to travel to the Thầy Pagoda (meaning: “the Master's Pagoda”), a Buddhist temple, an 11th century pagoda and one of the oldest in Vietnam. There are two arched bridges connecting to the pagoda. Built in 1602,
they are named Sun and Moon. One of these bridges leads to a small
island, home of a small Taoist temple representing the three elements of
earth, air, and water. The second bridge leads to a limestone hill. Đạo
Hạnh, during the last stage of his life, had walked up to this place
and disappeared in a cave. This cave is located in the middle of roots
of trees and is hemmed between a small temple built in honor of the monk’s parents and a small pagoda.
The three Vietnamese women L to R: Ly Ly, Ha and Huong (staff I work with who organized the conference and Dawn ? (Owner of Seattle Storm) and Jerilyn Brusseau (Founder of Cinnabon- her grandmother's cinnamon roll recipe)-they presented their stories. A slew of other presenters (15 in all) all shared their experiences of starting a business- I wrote a paper for the proceedings about internal characteristics of women empowerment...all in all, a great experience.
With Dr. Minh and Dr. Tuan, Director and Associate Director of International Development at the University.
After the week, I (and Eric) spent Saturday close to home- we were both exhausted. New experiences every day has a way of "catching up" with you and all of a sudden, it is just time to lay on the couch and read or watch TV.
Today (Sunday) we were was up again at 7am to meet with Leanne and Hollis, two labor educators teaching in Ho Chi Minh City- we went to the women's museum and then a long coffee and lunch afterwards to talk about our experiences. Eric had dropped me off and headed back home to make spagetti and meatballs-a little comfort food for Sunday night. After meeting with Leanne and Hollis, I headed several streets north to meet with Sabrina- a danish researcher in town to find out more about foreign investment for her master's thesis. We chatted for a couple of hours and then I headed home on a motorbike (xe om) bike taxi- what a day! Tomorrow is writing all day-same for, another great week in Hanoi- I can't believe we have already been here for 2 months!
On Tues, Wed., and Thursday, lots of meetings and writing. I am working with one faculty member, Dr. Minh, to write a manuscript for publication on skill transfer in the workplace and editing other manuscripts. I'm also meeting with as many people as I can who know about workplace conflict-some of these people are with the government, some with NGO's and others who are independent. On Friday (while Eric taught my class), I attended a conference in Hanoi: The International Conference on Women's Empowerment in Vietnam. The international development office who is my sponsor, has been organizing this conference for a year- the photo below shows a sampling of the organizers as well as the presenters and moderators. I was invited to attend the welcome dinner the night before with the US Embassador, the just-retired US Embassador, other embassy staff, Vietnamese women connected to the national assembly, a couple of women from Seattle who spoke at the conference (founder of Cinnabon and owner of the Seattle Storm pro- women's basketball team).
The three Vietnamese women L to R: Ly Ly, Ha and Huong (staff I work with who organized the conference and Dawn ? (Owner of Seattle Storm) and Jerilyn Brusseau (Founder of Cinnabon- her grandmother's cinnamon roll recipe)-they presented their stories. A slew of other presenters (15 in all) all shared their experiences of starting a business- I wrote a paper for the proceedings about internal characteristics of women empowerment...all in all, a great experience.
With Dr. Minh and Dr. Tuan, Director and Associate Director of International Development at the University.
After the week, I (and Eric) spent Saturday close to home- we were both exhausted. New experiences every day has a way of "catching up" with you and all of a sudden, it is just time to lay on the couch and read or watch TV.
Today (Sunday) we were was up again at 7am to meet with Leanne and Hollis, two labor educators teaching in Ho Chi Minh City- we went to the women's museum and then a long coffee and lunch afterwards to talk about our experiences. Eric had dropped me off and headed back home to make spagetti and meatballs-a little comfort food for Sunday night. After meeting with Leanne and Hollis, I headed several streets north to meet with Sabrina- a danish researcher in town to find out more about foreign investment for her master's thesis. We chatted for a couple of hours and then I headed home on a motorbike (xe om) bike taxi- what a day! Tomorrow is writing all day-same for, another great week in Hanoi- I can't believe we have already been here for 2 months!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
We work hard and we play hard. Well, I am working hard and Eric is just playing hard. Last Wednesday, Eric rousted me from my desk and said, "Let's go play." Twist my arm, right? So we took
off on his motorbike and headed for Snake Village, where everything is SNAKE. We only had to double back twice- we're getting much better at NOT getting lost. Once in Snake Village, we were herded into a restaurant and directed to pick out a snake. We had two choices- bamboo snake or cobra. We chose the cobra-can't remember why. They pulled it from the cage and proceeded to "dress it", first by cutting off its head, collecting its blood in a glass, cutting it length-wise, removing its innards-all while we were standing there.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Last Monday, up at 5am: my students, Eric (they call him Mr. Eric) and I went on a field trip to two companies outside of Hanoi: A bamboo furniture company and a tile/brick company. The bus took us as far as the roads could take them, then we walked the rest of the way through a small village. It's harvest time in Vietnam for hay and rice which is dried in the streets (like in the photo above). We also 'met' farm animals along the way as they just walked freely through the village.
The bamboo furniture manufacturer was a small operation- various sizes and types of bamboo were heated in a large oven- the door being sealed with mud mixed with straw and soot. The woman in the hat below showed my students the process. There was also a man sitting at what looked like an antique machine, drilling holes through bamboo at designated locations to later be pieced together into furniture.
The supervisor of the operation invited Eric to have a cup of Vietnamese green tea, with the students standing around translating for them. He also invited some of the students to have tea- they were delighted. Men in the Vietnamese culture love to get together, chat, and drink Vietnamese Green Tea (and rice wine, of course). It was no surprise that in the middle of the production floor was a table with plastic chairs all around, a tea pot and small 2 oz. ceramic tea cups.
Waiting for the bus to pick us up to transport us to the next company, the students ran up a hill with me in tow to take yet another group picture- they love having their pictures taken!
At rice harvest time, the rice is dried on the side of streets and highways- the perfect place for this activity. It is my understanding that this is illegal but unenforced.
The tile/brick company was much larger, though still small in size and very labor intensive. For the bricks, the clay is shoveled into a large hopper, gets molded and spit out onto a conveyor belt. From there, attendants take the molded bricks to a pallet, stacked eight high and then into the oven it goes. it then gets depalletized into carts and then restacked to cool and dry.
Day over and a great time was had by all!
The bamboo furniture manufacturer was a small operation- various sizes and types of bamboo were heated in a large oven- the door being sealed with mud mixed with straw and soot. The woman in the hat below showed my students the process. There was also a man sitting at what looked like an antique machine, drilling holes through bamboo at designated locations to later be pieced together into furniture.
The supervisor of the operation invited Eric to have a cup of Vietnamese green tea, with the students standing around translating for them. He also invited some of the students to have tea- they were delighted. Men in the Vietnamese culture love to get together, chat, and drink Vietnamese Green Tea (and rice wine, of course). It was no surprise that in the middle of the production floor was a table with plastic chairs all around, a tea pot and small 2 oz. ceramic tea cups.
Waiting for the bus to pick us up to transport us to the next company, the students ran up a hill with me in tow to take yet another group picture- they love having their pictures taken!
At rice harvest time, the rice is dried on the side of streets and highways- the perfect place for this activity. It is my understanding that this is illegal but unenforced.
The tile/brick company was much larger, though still small in size and very labor intensive. For the bricks, the clay is shoveled into a large hopper, gets molded and spit out onto a conveyor belt. From there, attendants take the molded bricks to a pallet, stacked eight high and then into the oven it goes. it then gets depalletized into carts and then restacked to cool and dry.
Day over and a great time was had by all!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Last weekend, Eric and I were invited by friends to a cottage on a lake about 40 miles north of Hanoi. This lake is in a remote mountain area that is slowly being developed, starting with the infrastructure (eg. roads). Roads are always a good thing. There were 4 couples, including Eric and I, and three of the couples have children, all under the age of 12. The weren't very keen on being photographed, but I didn't try very hard to persuade them. In fact, most of the time, I forget to take pictures! The cottage has 3 rooms- 2 for sleeping and a kitchen area and a bathroom. During the day, the sleeping rooms are for playing games and at night the mats come out for sleeping. We ate all of our meals on the front porch. Basically, the three women (I tried to help but was just getting in the way) prepared breakfast, we ate, they cleaned up and then started to prepare lunch, we ate, they cleaned up, and then started to prepare dinner, we ate, they cleaned up----the question is, what were the men (and me) doing? Playing. We swam, fished, hiked, played with the kids, etc. I told Eric not to get used to this lifestyle. In all seriousness, I miss being in the kitchen, preparing meals and tidying up. As one of the women said to me, it's fun working together and chatting about life all day long-- plus, the men play with the kids and that gives us a rest. I get it--totally. So we had a great time.
After dinner (we ate all sorts of new things, including a kind of thick paste made from duck blood) we sat by a fire outside and roasted marshmallows that I had brought and sweet corn on sticks. A local caretaker of a chicken farm (about a mile from the cottage) stopped by and enjoyed the fire with everyone. Eric, of course, asked him if he could work for him on his chicken farm and, of course, he said "SURE! Can you fix my tractor?" If that's not an invitation, I don't know what is! Eric, being Eric, told him he would see him on Tuesday (2 days ago). Well, he attempted to drive his motorbike to the chicken farm but got lost and had to return home both days. Since he is not one to give up easily, he attempted it again this morning and YES, he made it! So Eric is now working on a chicken farm, out of cell phone range, so I guess I'll hear from him in a couple of days.
This is the lake we visited-nestled right in the mountains. You can buy a 20 acre lake front parcel for $2000. I hope Eric doesn't get any crazy ideas about purchasing property.
Now with Eric gone, I can really focus on some work! I have been inside for the past 2 days working away without taking one step outside- which is why Eric and I make a good team. So there you have it! For a more detailed description of his two failed attempts to reach the chicken farm, read his blog.
After dinner (we ate all sorts of new things, including a kind of thick paste made from duck blood) we sat by a fire outside and roasted marshmallows that I had brought and sweet corn on sticks. A local caretaker of a chicken farm (about a mile from the cottage) stopped by and enjoyed the fire with everyone. Eric, of course, asked him if he could work for him on his chicken farm and, of course, he said "SURE! Can you fix my tractor?" If that's not an invitation, I don't know what is! Eric, being Eric, told him he would see him on Tuesday (2 days ago). Well, he attempted to drive his motorbike to the chicken farm but got lost and had to return home both days. Since he is not one to give up easily, he attempted it again this morning and YES, he made it! So Eric is now working on a chicken farm, out of cell phone range, so I guess I'll hear from him in a couple of days.
This is the lake we visited-nestled right in the mountains. You can buy a 20 acre lake front parcel for $2000. I hope Eric doesn't get any crazy ideas about purchasing property.
Now with Eric gone, I can really focus on some work! I have been inside for the past 2 days working away without taking one step outside- which is why Eric and I make a good team. So there you have it! For a more detailed description of his two failed attempts to reach the chicken farm, read his blog.
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